ID Supplier Contact Name Address City Postal Code Country Phone
1 Exotic Liquids Charlotte Cooper 49 Gilbert St. London EC1 4SD UK (171) 555-2222
2 New Orleans Cajun Delights Shelley Burke P.O. Box 78934 New Orleans 70117 USA (100) 555-4822
3 Grandma Kellys Homestead Regina Murphy 707 Oxford Rd. Ann Arbor 48104 USA (313) 555-5735
4 Tokyo Traders Yoshi Nagase 9-8 Sekimai Musashino-shi Tokyo 100 Japan (03) 3555-5011
5 Mayumis Mayumi Ohno 92 Setsuko Chuo-ku Osaka 545 Japan (06) 431-7877

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